=== Lockdown WP Admin === Contributors: sean212 Donate link: http://seanfisher.co/donate/ Link: http://seanfisher.co/lockdown-wp-admin/ Tags: security, secure, lockdown, vulnerability, website security, wp-admin, login, hide login, rename login, http auth, 404, lockdown, srtfisher, secure Requires at least: 3.6 Tested up to: 4.3.1 Stable tag: 2.3.2 Lockdown WP Admin conceals the administration and login screen from intruders. It can hide WordPress Admin (/wp-admin/) and and login (/wp-login.php) as well as add HTTP authentication to the login system. We can also change the login URL from wp-login.php to whatever you'd like: /login, /log-in-here, etc. == Description == This plugin will hide WordPress Admin (/wp-admin/) when a user isn't logged in. If a user isn't logged in and they attempt to access WP Admin directly, they will be unable to and it will return a 404. It can also rename the login URL. Also, you can add HTTP authentication directly from WP Admin and add custom username/password combinations for the HTTP auth or use the WordPress credentials. This doesn't touch any .htaccess files or change the WordPress core files. All the CSS/Images under /wp-admin/ are still accessible, just not the .php ones. If you enable HTTP authentication, it will add HTTP authentication to the PHP files in /wp-admin/. To contribute to the development, check out [the GitHub Repository](https://github.com/srtfisher/Lockdown-WPAdmin). == Installation == 1. Upload `/lockdown-wp-admin/` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Navigate to the "Lockdown WP" menu == Frequently Asked Questions == = How can we add files to the white list to hide from the public eye? We want to have AJAX and use a custom file, but we can't because it hides it from the public. = You can add a file using the 'no_check_files' filter. Use this: ` function add_my_cool_filter($data) { // You have to accept the $data argument or else it will cause a system meltdown ;) $data[] = 'my-file-name.php'; // JUST the file name. return $data; } add_filter('no_check_files', 'add_my_cool_filter'); ` Simple. = How can I get back in if Lockdown WP Admin locked me out? = You can create a .txt file named 'disable_auth.txt' in your `wp-content/plugins/lockdown-wp-admin/` folder (The file location would be `/wp-content/plugins/lockdown-wp-admin/disable_auth.txt`). We don't care about the content but that will disable the HTTP Auth and whatever was locking you out of your site. == Changelog == = 1.0 = * Initial release = 1.0.1 = * Fixed a link to a broken file = 1.1 = * Fixed a bug on activating the plugin network wide, we disabled network wide activation. * Cleaned up the plugin and prevented a double loop of the HTTP check, unnecessary. = 1.2 = * Cleaned up more code. * Security fixes that will prevent somebody from possibly hijacking your website. (Props Jon Cave) = 1.3.1 = * Added the ability to change the login URL entirely. It will disable /wp-login.php and give it whatever you want to make it. = 1.4 = * Fixed a bug with user's with a index.php base * Added stats for us to collect about about URL setup and server configuration for our users. This will let us make the plugin even better. * Fixed bug for having private user management in WP Admin = 1.4.2 = * Bug fixes * Added `admin-ajax.php` to the files that we permit to be access in wp-admin. = 1.6 = * Added way to get back into WP-ADMIN if locked out (See the FAQ) = 1.7 = * Removed the stats that were collected to that we could understand the issues that users were having with the plugin. = 1.8 = * Finally discovered why so many users had HTTP authentication errors. Fixed it to support almost 80% of hosts out there. * If you still have problems, shoot me an email. = 1.9 = A very late update, sorry! Worked to fix many issues with the admin bar and the "get_current_screen()" error. If you still see issues, please contact me! = 2.0 = * Provided a system dump to help in debugging issues that may arise. * Fixes a issues on the 404 page under 3.5.1 (`get_current_screen()`) * Cleanup, cleanup! = 2.0.1 = * Bug fix by [Michal Krause](https://github.com/michal-krause) = 2.0.2 = * Query string detection bug fix by [James Bonham](http://wordpress.org/support/profile/jamesbonham) * Issues with WordPress in a sub-directory = 2.1 = * Unit Testing! Unit Testing ensure more reliable code going forward * Support for WordPress 3.6 * General Cleaning = 2.2 = * Fixing issues with other plugins * Support tested for 3.9 * Large code structure changes. If you are extending the `Lockdown_Manager` at all, you should basically check the class anew since it was separated into Admin and Application services. = 2.3 = * Fixing issues with latests WordPress Version * Cleaning of code, enhancements. * Localizing all the strings.